You Deserve Wealth

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Rich Single Momma

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Rich Single Momma Makes Money Online

CBR002484I've been pretty busy over the last few months, but with good reasons. Most of you know by now that I am always looking for ways to make extra money. I don't know if it's because I want it or if it's become a hobby. I like the challenge of making extra money because I get to use my ideas and research skills. I won't bore  you with the details but I will give you an overview of how I'm making extra money online.

Freelance Writing

I am a writer by training and trade. I have been writing for about 15 years in various ways. I decided to utilize my training to make money for myself on a freelance basis. I started out writing resumes then branched writing articles. I also have a lot of editing experience. So here is how I'm making money online.

eHow - At first I was writing articles and posting on I earn a residual income from that. It's small at first but as time goes on and I get more articles views I earn more. You can start making money on ehow by writing articles. Get an account at

Demand Studios Writer- I applied for a writing position at Demand Studios a few months ago. They pay pretty well for simple how-to articles. They pay $5-20 per article depending on type and length.

Demand Studios Title QA - About two months ago I applied for a titling position with Demand Studios. I was invited to apply and since I had nothing to lose I did. I took a test, passed, and was hired to do the work. Let me tell you; it's so easy. I make .02-.04 for each title I review. It doesn't seem like a lot but it adds up once you get used to looking at the titles and learn to navigate quickly. This company pays within 2 days which is really cool. So far I've made $43 with Demand Studios. Not much yet because I've only worked a total of 3 days.

Freelance Writing - I hung out my freelance writing shingle about two years ago. I played around with my website, wrote some articles, and put my profile on a freelance site. I got a few hits and did some work. It wasn't substantial but it was a good way to get my feet wet. Recently, I placed an ad on a popular internet marketing site and immediately I got requests to write articles. In less than two weeks I made $450.

If you'd like to start making money by using your writing skills apply at


Books - Many of you know that I wrote a booklet for single moms, 100 Secrets of Successful Single Motherhood. I am making book sales through for the print version and also making ebook sales. I plan to expand my book sales by selling in bulk to different organizations that serve women in domestic violence situations or who are homeless.

Financial Services - I will begin making a commission from selling financial services like credit repair, bankruptcy, and mortgages. This is a new business venture that was free to start and is easy to do. Everyone needs financial services of some kind so I point them in the right direction. My company also has excellent free educational resources on how to buy a home with no money down, when to file for bankruptcy, and how to repair your own credit.

The best thing about this business is it offers other services and online shopping opportunities. I make money when I buy something from my own site.

If you want your own business I'm giving away FREE sites right now. Just visit this link to learn more and to sign up.


This might be the most fun way I make money online. Everyday I get invitations to complete surveys from companies I've signed up with. I do this in the evening when I'm watching TV and make anywhere from $1-$5 per survey. It adds up quickly as you do more and more. I love getting the email from PayPal telling me that I've got money!

Here are a few places to sign up to start getting survey invitations that really pay you. Please don't pay to take a survey. Ok, here are the links:

Palm Research

Focus Forward

Cash Crate

Making money online is an instant thing. I've had to put work into it and, more importantly, not give up. Every effort we make, whether for an employer or for ourselves, reaps a reward. I just happen to think the reward from my own efforts is much better. For whatever reason you decide to make money online, just be sure it's something that you can stick with for a long time. Pretty soon you will begin to see the rewards.

If you have any questions about how I am making money online feel free to contact me or leave a comment. I am happy to answer as many questions as I can. If you are making money online and want to share please do that too.


Kim Crouch said...

These are great tips and places to go. What I like most is that your story makes clear that sometimes it isn't you doing one particular thing that generates money but the combination of a variety of them.

Ms. Bar B said...

Wow. Those are some fabulous hustles! Seems like a really easy and fun way to make a little extra. So many choices and fun things to try.