You Deserve Wealth

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Rich Single Momma

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My 2010 New Year's Goals and 10-Year Plan

Every year I make the choice to create goals for the New Year. This year is no different but I've included one, five, and 10 year goals. (I'm not into resolutions because they are more like wishes rather than concrete goals.)

Here's a peek into my plans:

In five years I will be 44 years old my daughter will be 18 and my son will be 14. In 10 years I will be 48 years old my daughter will be 23 and my son will be 19. In looking at the ages of myself and my children I can gauge where I will be in life and can make plans accordingly. It's not secret that women are relationship oriented so this method works for me because my children are a central part of my life.

So in five years I will to be about ready to retire at age 45. My daughter will be gone off to college or beginning work life. And my son will be starting high school level classes. With that in mind, my five-year goals are to have passive income, consulting business or be a life coach, debt-free by March of 2013, have $1+ million in the bank and living off the interest.

In 10 years I will be retired for three years, managing my home, traveling, and advising my children about their life decisions. My daughter will be her last year college may be in engaged and planning to buy a home. My son will be in school preparing for career and thinking about getting his own apartment. By that time I will be ready to help them pay for college as well as help with the down payment on their home or apartment. I will be traveling and sharing with people how I reached the point in my life at the time.

Setting future goals for most women seems difficult because it's hard to gauge where you be in the future, but it's important to go ahead and set goals. By setting goals you take control of your life and have focused direction. Setting goals allows you to control the circumstances as much as possible, rather than the circumstances controlling you.

I've declared the year 2010 as the year of love, financial success, and emotional freedom. In love I will meet and date quality men. I've decided where I will meet them and I will vet every man for kindness, financial stability, respectfulness, ambitions/accomplishments, and love for kids.

In the area of financial success, over the next three years I will have 25K in the bank, and mid-class SUV, 1 million in book sales to nonprofit organizations, and 10K members of RSM. I'll have a house in the country with 2 to 5 acres, no debt, Disney Cruise, kids in private/charter schools, and be married.

So you see, I take setting goals pretty seriously. I've been setting goals since my daughter was two years old, and every year I see most of my goals come to fruition. It feels really good to see my dreams come true. Even though I see people wishing and hoping and wanting, I rarely see them write down their goals and creating a plan to make all their wishes come true. I hope you won't be like those people but will be the kind of woman who writes down her dreams, creates goals, and goes in the direction of her dreams.

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